Learn more about our team member, Matthew Lieser, LCPC.
Snack Savvy
When your energy is low, it is normal to crave a quick treat to perk up your spirits. However, it’s the treat you pick that can make or break your day. The deliciousness of a high carb, high sugar snack, like a candy bar or bag of chips, is quickly fleeting. What lasts is the metabolic crash that soon follows…
The Need for Sleep
What’s an extra hour of sleep going to help, right? Well actually, wrong!
The importance of a good nights rest cannot be overstated. It is recommended to sleep at least seven or eight hours a night to allow your body to rest and re-fresh. For some, this may be shocking and unfathomable. Who has the time? But, truth is, getting too little sleep can negatively affect your health, your mood, and even your social relationships. Perhaps knowing the facts about sleep will help you adjust your own sleep behavior.
Love: Clarifying Conditions
“Loving you easy,” a lyric popularized by country favorite, Zac Brown Band.
While catchy and enticing, portraying an ideal sort of love, is ‘loving’ actually easy? Research clearly shows the fundamental nature of relationships to human wellness and connection, yet it also highlights the challenges that come with the ebb and flow of the heart. Many grow up longing to find ‘the one’, believing that once found, life is smooth sailing and complete. But, is love supposed to be easy? Confusion may stem from lack of clarity when it comes to understanding love in its two forms: unconditional love and conditional love.