Thanks for Voting

For eight months, we’ve faced constant stress and pressure as we’ve been forced to adapt to living in a COVID world.

It’s been overwhelming and exhausting. The constant change, and the constant let down, has drained resources, motivation and hope.

Tired-- just about sums it up.

And now, our country is calling on us in an even bigger, even more critical way.

We need a leader now more than ever—and our investment, our vote is being called on.

It’s easy to feel demotivated and hopeless in the face that all of all that we’ve witnessed, all that we’ve experienced.

Personally, my mind just wants to shut off—shut down all the conversation, news, and social media.

Depending on where you live and your political alignment, it’s easy to get sucked into the, “it’s already decided” mindset, and not feel like your vote really counts or matters.

That’s a fair feeling to have.

So, on the eve of November 3rd— we’d like to thank you. Thank you for your resilience, your adaptability, your passion and humanity.

Thank you for finding the strength to make it to the polls, to send in that ballot.

Thank you for taking the time and recognizing the impact.

Voting is one of the most altruistic behaviors our nation offers. It’s an act of putting others first—putting humanity ahead of yourself. It’s thinking for the long term gain instead of instant gratification.

So, today, we say thank you for all that you do despite all the obstacles.