2018 Midterm Elections: Fulfill your role

Tomorrow’s the day! The midterm elections are held tomorrow, November 6th, marking the mid point in Trump’s four-year term. Every vote counts in shaping the future of our country. This is your opportunity to share how you feel about the current political climate, policies, and the U.S. presidency.

This is your chance to play a role in democracy

So, get out and vote! Here are a few things to consider as you head to the polls:

1. Haven’t registered to vote yet? That’s OKAY. Illinois offers same-day voter registration at the polls! You can register and cast your ballot at the same time at your local precinct. For information on where your local precinct is, check chicagoelections.com. If you live in suburban Cook County visit cookcountyclerk.com.  

2. Bring identification just in case. Registered voters in Illinois generally don’t need identification to vote, but there may be exceptions. Just in case, bring at least two types of identification: a passport, driver’s license, state ID card, school or work ID, utility, medical or insurance bill, school report card, or a bank statement, and make sure your current address is listed on at least on form of ID.

3. Know your voter’s rights. In Illinois, the polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day. If you’re in line at 7 p.m., you can still vote.

4. Time off to vote! State law gives employees two hours of unpaid leave to vote tomorrow, with one day’s advance notice. Make sure you confirm with your employer today about what hours can be taken off to vote.

5. Vote informed. It is imperative that you take time to research 2018 candidates so you know who, and WHAT, you are voting for. Here are a few resources to scan before heading to the polls:

6. Take pride in your role! Don’t miss your chance vote! Tomorrow’s election is exciting as it includes a diverse cohort of candidates. More than a quarter of all candidates running are female, including 84 women of color, which is a 42 percent increase from just two years ago. Additionally, there are at least 216 candidates of color running, and a record 26 openly L.G.B.T. candidates running in this election. Your vote can make a difference!

If you tend to get nervous or anxious before voting, a natural consequence of big decisions, remember to take a few deep breaths before going into the polls. Stand still for a few minutes, feet solidly on the ground, and reflect on your deepest values. Let your values fuel your decision making.

And, wear your I VOTED sticker tomorrow proudly; a badge of courage, change making, and dedication to democracy.

The time is now. Let your voice be heard. Cast your vote!