Do you ever wonder how much time you spend on your phone? How many hours are consumed by the constant time check, message update, email blast, song change...?
How do you cope?
Life isn’t easy. And, it’s not supposed to be. Challenge is what strengthens us. Life isn’t easy. And, it’s not supposed to be. Challenge is what strengthens us. It helps us to expand and grow. Truth is, even positive life events can bring psychological stress. Key to handling life’s obstacles, both good and bad, is equipping yourself with strategies to cope in a healthy manner.
Bias Intrudes in Seemingly Safe Places
Sexism exists in every profession, in every workplace, in every community. Sadly, sexism even exists in helping professions like psychology, meant to empower not deny.
In solidarity and support of women, team members bravely share personal experiences of battling sexism and harassment in both education and training. It is our hope that sharing real stories is a step towards real change.
Power Posing
Couple Competition
When it comes to relationships, every couple has their own unique set of challenges. Differences of opinion, work ethic, cultural background, and political views—the list goes on and on. These differences become readily apparent during stage two of relationship development, coined the competitive or power struggle stage.